Monday, December 22, 2014

Macbeth Act 2 Summary Facebook/Twitter

Macduff @ ThaneOfFife
Friend of King Duncan, bent on defeating Macbeth and ending his reign.

Macduff @ThaneOfFife · 30m
Dosen't seem right. Macbeth hath been nam'd Thane of Cawdor and King on the same day. @KingToBe @MacbethBFF @RossTheThane @AngusTheThane @NextInLine @LenoxTheThane #suspicious #KOS #ThaneOfCawdor

Macduff @ThaneOfFife · 50m
Macbeth hath been nam'd King and Duncan's sons hast fled to England. @RossTheThane #suspicious #KOS

Macduff @ThaneOfFife · 4h
Beginning to suspect Macbeth for killing Duncan. His actions wast too abrupt. @RossTheThane @LenoxTheThane @AngusTheThane @NextInLine @KingToBe @MacbethBFF #DuncanMurder #suspicious

Macduff @ThaneOfFife · 6h
He who hath kill'd King Duncan shall be put to death! @KingToBe @MacbethBFF @RoyalMacbeth @LadyMacbeth @RossTheThane @AngusTheThane @NextInLine @LenoxTheThane #revenge #DuncanMurder #KOS #justice

Banquo @MacbethBFF
Macbeth's BFF and the father of a line of kings.

Banquo @MacbethBFF · 50m
OMG! Macbeth's prophecies hast all been fulfill'd. He was just nam'd King of Scotland. @RoyalMacbeth #envious #WSprophecies #KOS #ThaneOfCawdor
Banquo @MacbethBFF · 6h
Macbeth was acting strange last night. @ThaneOfFife @KingToBe #suspicious #DuncanMurder

Banquo @MacbethBFF · 9h
Can't believe Macbeth's prophecies art coming true. Perchance mine will come true as well. @RoyalMacbeth #lucky #WSprophecies #ThaneOfCawdor

Banquo @MacbethBFF · 9h
Been thinking about the Witches' prophecy. @RoyalMacbeth #unsure #WSprophecies

Macbeth @RoyalMacbeth

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and the new King of Scotland.

Macbeth @RoyalMacbeth · 10m
Can't believe the Witches' prophecies has all been fulfill'd today. @LadyMacbeth @MacbethBFF #WSprophecies #amazed #ThaneOfCawdor #KOS

Macbeth @RoyalMacbeth · 30m
Still wondering about Banquo's prophecy. @MacbethBFF @LadyMacbeth #WSprophecies #worried #suspicious

Macbeth @RoyalMacbeth · 1h
The witches 3rd prophecy hath come true. Just nam'd King of Scotland. @LadyMacbeth @MacbethBFF #KOS #WSprophecies

Macbeth @RoyalMacbeth · 6h
Just murder'd Duncan's servants, who wast responsible for Duncan's death. @ThaneOfFife @KingToBe @MacbethBFF @LadyMacbeth @RossTheThane @AngusTheThane @NextInLine @LenoxTheThane #DuncanMurder #solution

Lady Macbeth @LadyMacbeth
Wife of Macbeth and the new Queen of Scotland.

Lady Macbeth @LadyMacbeth · 30m
Can't believe that all of the witches prophecies for Macbeth hast come true. @RoyalMacbeth @MacbethBFF #WSprophecies #amazed #QOS #KOS #ThaneOfCawdor

Lady Macbeth @LadyMacbeth · 1h
I hast been nam'd Queen of Scotland. @RoyalMacbeth #QOS #royalty #WSprophecy
Lady Macbeth @LadyMacbeth · 6h
Just found out that Macbeth kill'd the servants out of loyalty for Duncan. @ThaneOfFife @KingToBe @MacbethBFF @RossTheThane @AngusTheThane @NextInLine @LenoxTheThane@RoyalMacbeth #DuncanMurder #MacbethCrazy

Lady Macbeth @LadyMacbeth · 6h
Just found out that King Duncan was kill'd. @ThaneOfFife @KingToBe @MacbethBFF @RossTheThane @AngusTheThane @NextInLine @LenoxTheThane @RoyalMacbeth #DuncanMurder #worried

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