Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Macbeth Post Mortem Monologue - Banquo

I should have known that Macbeth would try to kill me and Fleance. Macbeth was being told all these prophecies and I just had to ask the Witches about my future.

Knowing that I would be "Lesser than Macbeth, and greater./Not so happy, yet much happier./Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none" (1.3.67-69), Macbeth decided to get rid of me and all my descendants. I should have known Macbeth was up to something when he asked me "Ride you this afternoon?" (3.1.21) and then told me to "Fail not our feast."(3.1.31)

Even earlier, when Macbeth killed King Duncan, he was acting strange and was asking whether or not I had ever thought about doing anything to make the Witches' predictions come true. If I was thinking straight, I should have known that Macbeth would go kill Fleance and me next in order to prevent my prophecy from coming true.

Macbeth just couldn't stop my prophecy from coming true. Fleance survived, even though Macbeth had sent murderers to kill the both of us. My death did nothing to keep my descendants from becoming king. As promised, I showed up at the banquet (as a ghost), but that made Macbeth go crazy. My death only made things worse for Macbeth.

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