Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Personality Profile

Multiple Intelligences Quiz:

  1. Musical: 4.71
  2. Logic/Math: 4.71
  3. Body Movement (Kinesthetic): 3.71
  4. Social (Interpersonal): 3.71
  5. Self (Intrapersonal): 3.43
  6. Spatial: 3.43
  7. Language (Linguistic): 3.29
  8. Nature (Naturalist): 2.29

Jung & Meyers Briggs Personality Quiz:
ENTP (Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving)
  • Extravert: 33% - Moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion
  • iNtuitive: 62% - Distinct preference of Intuition over Sensing
  • Thinking: 38% - Moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling
  • Perceiving: 22% - Sight preference of Perceiving over Judging
Visual Personality Quiz:

Most of what I learned about myself from these personality tests I already knew. It was interesting to find out that one of my top intelligences was Social, since I don't see myself as a social person. Also, my result from the Visual Personality Quiz was very interesting.

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